Introduction of new members of the VŠE management

Partnership Centre VŠE introduces to you new members of the VŠE management and the closest collaborators of the newly appointed VŠE Rector, doc. Petr Dvořák. With the beginning of the new rector’s term of office, the team of his Vice-Rectors is also changing.

The Rector appoints the following Vice-Rectors:

“I have known and cooperated with all the colleagues I appoint to the position of Vice-Rector for a long time, so I know that they do their job conscientiously and they are beneficial for the further direction of the school. Their individual vice-rector competencies and agendas correspond to the priorities and goals of the new school management. I believe that together we will be able to move the school in all directions – teaching, science, school presentation and all the processes within – to greater professionalism,” explained the Rector.

Bursar Ing. Tomáš Zouhar and Chancellor doc. Mgr. Andrej Tóth, Ph.D., other members of the management, remain in their positions.