Contribute to a transparent VŠE account to help Ukrainian students

To support Ukrainian students, VŠE academics and their families, the Prague University of Economics and Business has set up a transparent account with Česká spořitelna. In addition to students and employees of the University of Economics, the general public can also contribute. In this way, the Partnership Centre VŠE would like to appeal to VŠE partners who are not indifferent to the fate of refugee students.

The collection begins on March 31, 2022, the account number is 9587602/0800 (IBAN: CZ65 0800 0000 0000 0958 7602, SWIFT: GIBACZPX).

The funds obtained from the collection will be used for accommodation costs for Ukrainian students and academics of the Prague University of Economics and Business and their families, moreover for providing basic living needs, and paying scholarships to Ukrainian students who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Partnership Centre VŠE thanks in advance to all those who contribute to the collection for their solidarity.